Thursday, 10 July 2014

Number Two Hundred and Twenty Four: Weather Elsewhere

It is hard to imagine the weather elsewhere

Number Two Hundred and Twenty Three: Advertising Beauty

There are no ugly people in advertising

Number Two Hundred and Twenty Two: Letterbox

Sometimes the letterbox is a sad deposit for bills, officialdom, leaflets and mail for previous occupants.

Number Two Hundred and Twenty One: Squeaky Wicker

Wicker chairs can get very squeaky when they dry out.

Number Two Hundred and Twenty: Unwanted Shopper

In some shops you feel you are an intruder because you want to buy something

Number Two Hundred and Nineteen: Adhesive Tape

The lost end of a roll of adhesive tape

Number Two Hundred and Eighteen: Unhelpful Help

A recent fashion on commercial websites is the swat-away pop up window that offers a chat with someone or wants me to give feedback.