Sunday, 16 October 2016

Number Two Hundred and Sixty Four: Fungal Interlude FI010

Aseroe rubra

Number Two Hundred and Sixty Three: Bargains

It is possible to spend a lot of money on bargains.

Number Two Hundred and Sixty Two: Saturated

Many people like their television screen to be heavily saturated.

Number Two Hundred and Sixty One: Letters and Numbers

Unfortunately roman text can confuse the letters and numbers 1 7 L l I i 0 O o.

Number Two Hundred and Sixty: Experts and Specialists

Experts and specialists exist as it can be very time-consuming investigating everything.

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Nine: Branded

Prominent brand names and logos are considered acceptable on clothing, cars and electrical goods but not on most furniture.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Eight: Fontart FA004

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Seven: New Purchase

Announcing the purchase of an electric kettle on social media

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Six: Fontart FA003

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Five: Captive

Captive markets such as cinemas, airports and public transport tend to charge a lot of money for water and snacks.

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Four: Fractal F1014

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Three: After Life

An artist or writer's sales are often very lively after death.

Number Two Hundred and Fifty Two: New Ways of Communication

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the phonograph and electric bulb investigated ways of communicating with the dead.

Number Two Hundred and Fifty One: Speed Limit

Walter Arnold was arrested in England in 1896 for speeding at 13km/h (8mph), the limit was later raised to 22km/h (14mph).

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Number Two Hundred and Fifty: Eyelids

Although eyelids are useful they are not opaque enough to allow sleep in bright light

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Number Two Hundred and Forty Nine: Deer

Deer sometimes bark like a dog

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Number Two Hundred and Forty Eight: Gérard de Nerval

The French poet Gérard de Nerval once said "The first man who compared woman to a rose was a poet, the second, an imbecile."

Number Two Hundred and Forty Seven: Haven

Large corporations often base their headquarters on exotic islands so that all their employees can enjoy the nice weather

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Number Two Hundred and Forty Six: Character

Apart from the effect of life events we seem to remain pretty much the same character through life.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Number Two Hundred and Forty Five: Quiet Corner

Everywhere benefits from a quiet corner

Number Two Hundred and Forty Four: Hot Water Bottle

Six sessions of Hot Water Bottle therapy.

Number Two Hundred and Forty Three: Fractal F1013

Number Two Hundred and Forty Two: SAD

Initial treatment for Social Advancement Disorder.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Number Two Hundred and Forty One: Bulk

 Many bloggers and social network activists recommend that you should publish content in bulk to retain people's attention.